Love All of You (A Confession and Reminder)

‪#‎MyWords‬ today helped me remember something that I preach a lot to others but that I sometimes forget myself: I am the amazing and awesome person that I am because of all the things that I have done or experienced, including the things which were not amazing and awesome.

In fact the hardest experiences in my past, the ones that I sometimes catch myself wishing hadn’t happened to me, are likely the ones that helped me shape myself most into the person I am today.

So here’s my reminder to myself and to you: Love‬ who you are, appreciate all your baggage‬ as a gift, and keep on being your badass self – the one that keeps growing and changing and becoming awesomer with every moment … including the sucky ones yet to come.

Yours in the Journey,


Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes

Ever since I was a kid I’ve occasionally had a kind of recurring fantasy: leaving everything and everyone I know behind and either surviving in the wilderness or moving somewhere far away and completely different.

Often that fantasy is preceded by recognizing some kind of lack in myself or something I want to improve. I like the idea of being able to go work on myself alone for a while. In fact anyone who’s ever gone on a retreat to figure out a problem or find a spiritual solution probably knows exactly what I’m talking about.

In “Imagine: How Creativity Works” there are a few examples of how changing your scenery or situation can spark a moment of ingenuity that enables you to overcome an obstacle or even just get your creative juices flowing. The idea is that if you remove yourself from your day-to-day situation you (at least temporarily) break free from the preconceptions and assumptions you have made about yourself, or that others have made and you’ve chosen to believe.

The problem is that eventually you have to come back to “the real world” and get back to whatever life you live. Hopefully you can start integrating some of the things you’ve realized or learned, though that’s certainly not always the case. There are a few great teachers out there trying to help people bridge the gap between these amazing realizations and how you apply them in day to day life, but it’s still a difficult journey.

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